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We are at Irving Park UMC
1510 W Cone Blvd
We here at Centenary are excited to welcome you to in person worship. We will be doing only the 11 am service in the Sanctuary. The service will also be live streamed via the church's Facebook page and a copy of the service bulletin will be made available on the websites worship section.
Sunday School
One large class in Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
Tithes & Offerings
During this time, it is important to remain faithful to the church by continuing your pledges, tithes, and offerings. Click Here for more information on ways to give to Centenary UMC

They continue to provide overnight shelter, meals, groceries, and a variety of emergency services for families. GUM has experienced a sharp increase in demand for their services, and they anticipate that the need will only grow in the coming weeks.
You can make a secure online gift today on their website Greensboro Urban Ministry They are grateful for any support you can give at this time.
Come, Follow Jesus,
Grow in Grace, Change the World