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The Greater Greensboro CROP Hunger Walk is a 5k (3.1 mile) community event that raises funds to fight hunger. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised goes to Potter’s House Community Kitchen at Greensboro Urban Ministry, with the other 75% going to Church World Service to meet human needs and foster self-reliance in countries world-wide.


Sunday, October 6, Centenary UMC members and friends joined with hundreds of others for the annual CROP Hunger Walk. The walk began at the Greensboro Coliseum at 2:30 PM. The Centenary UMC Team raised a total of $874! Thank you to everyone who supported their efforts. It's not too late to donate! Our team would love to hit the $1,000 mark by the end of the year.


Make a donation online or by writing a check. Make checks payable to “Greensboro CROP Walk” and drop it in the Secure Correspondence box by the church office, or mail it to Centenary UMC, 2300 W. Friendly Ave., Greensboro, NC 27403.

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